The Maple Leaf turns 60 years old on Saturday and, in the wake of U.S. President Donald Trump's continued jabs at Canada, the nation's flag and its special day are gaining more attention than usual.
The curious case of a missing maple leaf highlights a rift in Canada-Florida relations. Publix, it seems, will no longer ...
London, Ont., veteran Bruce Stock was on duty on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Feb. 15, 1965, when the Maple Leaf flag was raised for the first time. To commemorate its 60th anniversary today, Stock ...
the Trump-fueled resurgence of Canadian patriotism has also revived the Canadian flag’s image. The maple leaf flag, often flown upside down or from hockey sticks, became the defining symbol used ...
Nationalism is resurging in Canada in response to threats from the U.S. president to annex the country, while citizens boycott products from their southern neighbor in retaliation for tariffs imposed ...
designer of the Canadian flag. Sixty years ago, at the stroke of noon on a crisp, snowy, brilliantly sunny day, the Maple Leaf flag was raised for the first time on Canada’s Parliament Hill.
The red and white has been a symbol of national pride for many decades, and in the wake of Donald Trump's anti-Canadian rhetoric, a sense of patriotism is sweeping the country.
I believe most sincerely that it is time now for Canadians to unfurl a flag that is truly distinctive and truly national in character; as Canadian as the maple leaf which should be its dominant ...
From maple syrup to hockey players and much more, we in Colorado appreciate our friendship and close ties with Canada,” Gov.
The Winnipegger had tried to get a flag before Saturday, but her attempt floundered after she went to a Canadian Tire on Friday and found the Maple Leaf had already been sold out. The demand for ...
I would like to thank the Star for including a full-page Canadian flag in the Feb. 15 issue. I don’t consider myself a flag-waver and generally display my patriotism verbally. I do, however ...