In the US alone, 120 billion disposable coffee cups are used every year. But it's more than just the cups and the lids that are creating waste. What about all those used-up coffee grounds?
In January 2024, the Danish city of Aarhus launched a three-year trial project to curb the number of disposable coffee cups. Instead of chucking them away, locals can use deposit machines designed ...
But each year, one billion of us forget. Which means each year in Australia, an estimated one billion disposable coffee cups end up in landfill. The first thing you’ll probably declare is that ...
"Mom, I said you would bring hot chocolate for 50." Where would I have been without disposable coffee cups and a really big insulated dispenser? Through the years there have been many occasions ...
Who hasn’t heard of Starbucks? This iconic coffee shop chain serves a mix of popular favorites to keep busy cup o’ joe lovers supplied with their go-to beverages. But times they are a changin’, and ...
Their beloved Frappuccinos and iced espresso drinks served in paper cups, not plastic. The Seattle-based coffee company announced this week that about 580 of its stores had begun replacing its ...
where the administration launched a borrowing scheme with 18 coffee shops last year, saving 200,000 disposable cups in two months. Taiwan has also implemented new laws requiring convenience stores ...
The coffee company said it couldn't control the ... all of the Santa Monica stores have switched to paper cups. Starbucks said it is doing it to comply with local mandates. There are no immediate ...
The Hidden Risks of Paper Cups Paper cups are lined with a thin layer of plastic or wax to prevent liquids like tea, coffee, or water from leaking. However, when hot drinks come in contact with ...
Mullingar Chamber, in collaboration with Mullingar Tidy Towns, Mullingar Sustainable Energy Community, and Westmeath County Council, is exploring the introduction of a reusable coffee cup scheme for ...