Look for Signs of a Fake Fake designer handbags tend to feel and look a little off, but it’s hard to put your finger on what’s amiss. Look for these signs of a fake handbag: Keep in mind that ...
Promise you won't have to sell your firstborn child to own one of these. You never forget your first designer bag. Mine was a black leather tote from Marc Jacobs (not to be confused with the fake Marc ...
People buy luxury bags for various reasons from various places Luxury customers who purchase designer bags know they ... there's a symbol, and on fake bags, it's often improperly placed.
The owner of a high-end boutique on Palm Beach was arrested this week after investigators said she was selling fake designer ...
Emily Montegna imported fake designer makeup products, socks, purses, sunglasses and other accessories and sold them on Facebook.
A Highland, Illinois, woman appeared in federal court on Thursday and admitted selling counterfeit cosmetics, purses, clothing, and accessories from high-end designer brands. Prosecutors with the ...