Of the inside of a brood cell deep within a hive ... Before the flight, the bee got a sip of honey from a pipette, and after successfully landing, it was set free again. That's how I could ...
We have been in a deep freeze for the past several weeks and people are asking, how do the honey bees survive these frigid ...
Bees do not create honey ... move a recently laid egg into a queen cell to produce her replacement. While workers select which fertilized eggs to brood in queen or worker cells, the queen decides ...
Researchers have achieved a promising breakthrough in bee insemination. For the first time, an attempt using frozen semen without the addition of antibiotics has resulted in the production of female ...
In this video Kevin explains his "Stiller" vertical split designed collapse resistant brood box for native bees and demonstrates how to split the box to make two hives out of one. More info or to purc ...