Setting your sports viewing schedule? Thinking of going to an upcoming game? Here’s the Metroplex football, basketball and hockey schedule.
IF MARCH 8 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Perseverance ... CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Your social calendar could be filling up fast.
•GOSPEL JUBILEE: 5:30 p.m. Sundays at Fellowship Church, halfway between Hermitage and Mercer on Route 62. Gospel, country and oldies. Worship service at 3:30 p.m., social hour at 4:30.
New Beginning Faith Ministry, 609 Caddo Drive in Longview, has set its 24th pastoral anniversary event at 3 p.m. March 9 ... consideration for the Religion calendar is 5 p.m. Monday.
-The 42nd Annual Quilt Show will continue on Saturday at the Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds. It will occur from 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. The event has over 220 quilts, vendors, raffles, demos and food from ...
Mother/Daughter conference designed to strengthen relationships between moms and teen daughters with the truth of God’s word. Featured speaker is author, and recording artist; Shannon Perry ...
March 16 at Colorado, 2:30 p.m., TNT March 18 vs. Anaheim, 7 p.m., Victory+ March 20 vs. Tampa Bay, 7 p.m., Victory+ March 22 vs. Philadelphia, 1 p.m., Victory+ March ...
Register on the library website. Columbus Bluegrass Jamboree — 4 p.m., March 8, NexusPark, 2380 25th St., Columbus. Begins with an Open Jam that is BYOI (bring your own instrument), followed by ...