We get it. ‘Upper body day’ might not have the same ring to it, but dedicating some time to becoming stronger in your chest, ...
Strengthening your major back muscles at home could help lower back pain, improve your overall functional fitness, carve a ...
Want to build muscle without the gym? These 7 bodyweight exercises help women gain strength and tone up—no equipment required ...
Credit: Just because you don’t have time for the gym doesn’t mean you need to wave goodbye to doing your workout. With just a pair of dumbbells, you can still get a good quality workout ticked off at ...
Who doesn’t want a toned body, but achieving the same takes a lot of effort and sacrifices. However, with the right attention ...
When you’re using machines, you also reduce the recruitment of the surrounding stabilizing muscles. Take bench presses: With ...
Revealed: How to adapt Arnold Schwarzenegger’s legendary training methods for a home gym and unleash the power of the ‘Arnold ...
To ramp up the challenge, some of these moves incorporate a dumbbell, which not only increases difficulty but also helps ...
While one of the advantages of a home workout is that you don't need much (if any) equipment, it can pay to invest in some simple kit that will take your routine from average to amazing. One such item ...
Check out how to get defined abs at home with these six effective exercises. Target your core, build strength, and achieve a ...
Samson Dauda, once a construction worker who struggled to build muscle, is now the world's top bodybuilder. Diet and exercise ...
Here are five easy fitball exercises you can try at home to jumpstart your fitness journey. The seated balance exercise is ...