Newcastle in Apex Legends was one of the most meta picks in the previous season. However, this spot has been overtaken by the newly buffed Assault legends in Season 24 who received a bunch of ...
Newcastle in Apex Legends Season 24 remains a viable pick even after the new update nerfs. Since his tactical shield is no longer invulnerable to damage, players would need to depend on his ...
“He’s useless, his ult and tactical barely do any damage, don’t slow you down or impair vision,” one player lamented on the ...
The leaks have been proven true so far with Newcastle being the latest Legend. About a month ago, Apex Legends suffered a massive data leak that showcased about two years' worth of content, which ...
The Apex Legends meta shifts every season ... but in Match Point finals, the likes of Newcastle and Gibraltar could be banned in perpetuity. There are a couple of caveats. If the last Legend ...
Who are the Apex Legends characters? Our handy breakdown of each legend in Apex Legends and their abilities will be just the ticket. Whether you’re considering who to try first, or who you would ...