Each theft disrupted rail service until wiring — taken near track signals ... RTD trains in 2022. RTD officials tried to ...
The solution is to make RTD a space that is welcoming for customers and decidedly unwelcoming for people who would do harm.
RTD has a fun and unique way to train new light-rail drivers ... You have to know what’s coming at you and knowing the signals to see if you can proceed or not,” Mannes said.
RTD leaders heard this week about plans to start passenger rail service along the northern Front Range for up to $900 million ...
RTD Transit Police plan to start 24/7 patrols of bus and light rail stations on May 5 to increase security. FOX31's Kim Posey spoke to RTD customers, operators and security about what should ...
Transportation | Juvenile male charged with murder in fatal Dayton light rail station shooting Transportation | RTD selects deputy CEO Shortages of available bus and train operators have limited ...