Sloe gin has a complicated reputation. In the U.S., it is perhaps most associated with the famous Alabama Slammer, which ruled the college drinking scene in the '70s and '80s. However, sloe gin ...
Having spent a fairly long time waiting for your sloe gin to be ready, Joanne recommends that you drink it straight, sipping it from a small glass, rather than mixing it with any other drinks.
Sloe gin is very much a Ronseal type of affair ... it’s the juniper-flavoured drink from which gin evolved, and the national liquor of the Netherlands and Belgium. It was gradually adopted ...
Craving some gin-based drink? Find out where the best gin cocktails are in Hong Kong, according to mixologist Gail Lanorias.
Making sloe gin is slow but not laborious. There's no cooking required, just patience as the sloes steep in the gin. Prick the tough skin of the sloes all over with a clean needle and put in a ...