The helmet belonged to a hoplite, which is a kind of ancient Greek foot soldier who wore heavy armor to protect themselves. Hoplites primarily carried spears and large, round shields. They were ...
The Spartan hoplites organized themselves into a tight ... Spartan wearing a Corinthian helmet and wrapped in a cape. Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut Photograph by ...
Corinthian helmets were symbols of the Greek infantry's military style and have become symbols of the ancient world, with the hoplite being one of the quintessential images associated with ancient ...
Hoplite infantrymen were the military ideal of ancient Greece and were recruited from the wealthy middling ranks of society, particularly the farmers. They wore bronze armor breastplates, helmets ...
Inward-looking and self-sufficient, the Spartans were the most feared hoplites (infantrymen ... without a shield and not without a helmet, the Spartan king, Demaratos (510 - 491) is said to ...