The driver behind the wheel of a car that crashed into a Muni Light Rail Vehicle on Thursday evening has been accused of ...
The city's first modern light-rail system would run in dedicated lanes on city streets with priority at traffic signals.
Clark County Councilor Michelle Belkot was removed after saying she wouldn't follow the council's majority opinion when the C-Tran board votes on a light rail issue.
This is the most detailed accounting to date of the technical problems light rail faces, and possible actions to fix them.
Valley Metro and the city of Phoenix will share updates on the South Central Extension/Downtown Hub light rail project at ...
The $7 billion light rail project unveiled its draft environmental impact statement in January. The project could face ...
City officials say they are committed to building rail connections, but are nixing a prior plan to extend the streetcar ...
Valley Metro is close to completing its latest public transportation project. A 5.5 mile line will run from the downtown area ...