Without even looking at the rest of the card, this would be the obvious pick to main event WrestleMania III's first night.
Jesse Ventura revealed that WrestleMania was shown in court when he sued the WWE in the 1990s. The WWE legend famously took the company to court in 1991, claiming unpaid royalties on video sales.
Take a look at the greatest moments from WrestleMania III, including one of the greatest matches of all time between Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat and Hulk Hogan's iconic body slam of Andre the ...
WrestleMania III attendance (YES!), ratings, AEW and NXT TV reviews and more! A fun show as always so check it out~!
though Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat and “Macho Man” Randy Savage deserved one for their game-changing WrestleMania III classic. It was a different story in the 1990s, as Meltzer ...
Whether it was Hogan bodyslamming Andre The Giant at WrestleMania III, or Undertaker throwing Mick Foley off the top of the Hell in a Cell structure at King of the Ring, we hold dear moments that ...