Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in remarks published on Friday that he saw no objective signs that Ukraine or the West were ready for peace talks despite all their increasingly loud statements about the need for such talks.
Russia claims its withstanding the impact of sanctions. Sweden's finance minister said satellite images show a different story.
Across Russian-occupied Ukraine, Kremlin troops have shuttered places of worship since the first invasion began in 2014. Religious persecution only increased after the full-scale invasion in February 2022—proof that Putin’s conquest contains a religious component, say local Protestant leaders.
Videos showed fireballs over a facility in Ryazan, 110 miles southeast of Moscow. Kyiv is seeking to disrupt Russian military logistics and put pressure on the country’s economy by striking its oil industry.
Tens of thousands of people in Slovakia have gathered at squares and street across the country to voice their opposition to the pro-Russia policies of populist Prime Minister Robert Fico
Reliance on Russia’s military offerings has become increasingly prevalent in parts of Africa, amid an aggressive push by Moscow to lessen Western influence on the continent.
North Korean troops' limited combat experience and unfamiliarity with the terrain of the Russian-Ukrainian battlefields have contributed to heavy losses.
Russia's new strategy in Ukraine is focused on securing as many natural resources in the country as it can in order to cash in on their value.
Massive turnout in nationwide rallies, as Fico brandishes intel report alleging ‘coup d’etat’ in league with foreigners.
The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, accuses Vladimir Putin of manipulating Donald Trump's peace efforts. The US President declares that he wants to ensure a peaceful end to the war between Moscow and Kyiv,