With honey bees facing multiple threats, Jessy O'Keefe looks to give the valuable insects a helping hand one hive at a time.
The upstairs conference room of the Urbana Regional Library was abuzz on Sunday with talk of pollinator-friendly gardening practices. Maryland is home to more than 400 species of bees and more than ...
Ever wondered what footballers and Batman have in common with hoverflies? Well, it’s all in the name. Both have lent their ...
In South Carolina, Greenville ranked 3rd as the most challenging place to live with seasonal allergies. Columbia ranked 15th.
The ground is soft and wet, the official start of spring has passed and planting native species can bring beauty as well as ...
Longtime Southcentral Alaska beekeepers say that for decades, many have killed their insects each summer. But for some, ...
A gardening expert reveals the common mistake vegetable growers make - and how doing one thing can boost your harvest.
With warmer weather coming up for all of us, this unfortunately means pesky insects like wasps and mosquitos will certainly ...
Be a Hero to Bees and Pollinators Bees are a big deal. These unsung heroes of the planet work hard to keep our food supply functioning. And 85 percent of flowering plants and trees rely on ...
It’s finally beginning to feel like spring is around the corner at Audubon Community Nature Center. Plants are beginning to ...
Some might say that pesticides are acceptable and even positive because of their important role in keeping pests away from ...
A new study compiling butterfly surveys across the country found a 22% overall decline, while seven species found in Maine ...