A group of whale watchers, look in horror as a huge humpback whale emerges from the water and swallows two kayakers whole!
Blue whales migrate during summer to feed in colder regions where krill is plentiful, like in the waters off California. They return to warmer regions such as the Gulf of California and the eastern ...
The blue whale is the biggest animal that has ever existed ... A sperm whale's brain weighs about 17 pounds (8 kilograms) — ...
young blue whales have long managed to elude human detection. In fact, just two blue whale births have ever been documented — off South Africa in 1911, and off Sri Lanka in 1946. And sightings ...
The study, published in March in the journal Nature Communications, calculates that in oceans across the globe, great whales ...
Animals all over the world have wide range of lifespans, varying from mere hours to millennia.The longevity depends on the ...
Inspired by them, we created a blue whale with transparent epoxy resin ... Warner Bros and turned the Batman universe trans Possible human remains found in search for slain women at Winnipeg ...
New research shows that whales move nutrients thousands of miles—in their pee and poop—from as far as Alaska to Hawaii, ...
“One big difference is that whales are often traveling thousands of miles across ocean basins–great whales undertake the ...
Whales are not just big, they’re a big deal for healthy oceans. When they poop, whales move tons of nutrients from deep water ...