The solution is to make RTD a space that is welcoming for customers and decidedly unwelcoming for people who would do harm.
Did you utilize RTD last year? In 2024, RTD reported ridership was still 38% below the pre-pandemic 2019 numbers.
That incarnation lasted until 1983, when Amtrak took over the operation. For a decade, Union Station hosted only Amtrak’s version of the California Zephyr, but different trains eventually came. Today, ...
RTD leaders heard this week about plans to start passenger rail service along the northern Front Range for up to $900 million ...
Following months of conversations with riders, the community, and board members, lawmakers have introduced a revised version ...
They effectively share custody of Denver's most infamous bus line, the 15. And since taking office, they've been appointed to RTD's Operations Safety and Security Committee, setting aside their ...
Here's what you need to know about Colorado's March 4th for Democracy protest. In Denver, the March 4th for Democracy protest ...
How does $99,709,511 of Longmont taxpayer money sound when there is absolutely nothing to show for it? That’s right, it’s the total paid to the Regional Transportation District (RTD) ...
DENVER — The 17-year-old boy who was shot and killed Tuesday afternoon at a Greenwood Village RTD station has been ... investigation by calling the tip line at 303-486-8275.
Most of us are familiar with the notion of hypocrisy. Truth be told, we each indulge in hypocritical choices every now and ...
~65 million: Passengers projected to have used RTD services in 2024. During the depths of the pandemic in 2021, only 49 ...