Stick around to discover what's the spiritual meaning of dragonflies: insects with deep symbolism. Since ancient times, dragonflies have been revered as symbols of transformation and change.
The estimate of 5.5 million species of insects is interesting. What’s even more remarkable is that because scientists have ...
This story appears in the June 2019 issue of National Geographic magazine. The mating ritual of the moorland hawker dragonfly—common around the ponds and wetlands of Europe, Asia, and North ...
New Hampshire Audubon Senior Biologist Pamela Hunt will present "Dragons & Damsels," a talk on dragonflies and damselflies, Friday, March 28, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Francestown Town Hall, second ...
Credit: Wild Horizons/Universal Images Group via Getty Images In this excerpt from "Carbon: The Book of Life" (Viking, 2025), ...
Discover the fascinating life cycle of dragonflies, from their underwater nymph stage to becoming agile mosquito hunters.
If you’ve ever watched a dragonfly zig and zag over a pond in search of dinner, you know how fast these gauzy-winged insects can move. In less than half the time it takes a human eye to blink, a ...
The Delaware state bug is the ladybug. The state butterfly is the tiger swallowtail. The state bird, of course, is the blue hen. Delaware doesn't have a state dragonfly, but that's about to change.
Glen Ellyn-based writer Cindy Crosby led a convocation on the insects Monday at Crispin Hall, hoping that attendees were ...