(a) Schematic illustration for our precise sectioning technique on the location of fatigue crack initiation; maximum stress and cycles to failure for (b) NAMP state; (c) HIP state; (d) HIP+STA state.
When cracks are discovered on bridges in service, fatigue is usually the cause. A working knowledge of fatigue susceptible details, AASHTO fatigue categorization, identification of NSTMs, development ...
By understanding what maintainers look for during inspections, engineers can design components that extend service life and ...
Hootsuite’s experiment found early Instagram engagement boosts reach, tripling exposure and increasing first-hour engagement ...
The issue led to the immediate grounding of the entire T-38 fleet for visual inspections, which were completed within four ...
Offers specifications for the practical use of each weld toe method, including equipment, weld preparation and operation Provides guidance on inspection, quality control and training, as well as ...
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) collaborated with the U.S. Air Force to ensure fleet safety after a large crack was ...