Abstract painting is a hardy perennial of the art world. Trends may come and go, but the practice of translating visual ...
Visitors may be awed visiting the Kenneth Schilling Fine Art Gallery and Teaching Studio at the Superstition Center in Mesa, ...
The exhibition’s paintings, works on paper and monotypes shine a light on the artist’s ability to depict the haunting power ...
An exhibition featuring newly discovered paintings and drawings is set to open in Wickham Market. The event, titled ...
Lily Kip, who's finishing up her master of fine arts degree in painting, won a cash grant to continue this direction after she finishes school.
“A Room Hung With Thoughts: British Painting Now,” organized by British curator and author Tom Morton, brings together 40 ...
“Filtered” will be on display at the Modesto Junior College Art Gallery until March 22. In December, the works will be ...
Satoru Abe, widely recognized as one of the most significant Hawaii-born artists, died Feb. 5 in Honolulu. He was 98.
From the butcher and the baker to the candlestick maker, Grahame Hurd-Wood has had hundreds of people sit in his studio in ...
BRADFORD folk pride themselves on being hardworking, independent minded and plain speaking. They call a spade a spade - if not a shovel! You might say Amy Charlesworth’s art embodies these values and ...
The clay backsides of a green humanoid and orange pony are all the viewer sees of children’s television characters Gumby and ...
The people and places John Osler painted came to life with vibrancy and intuitiveness, and that’s something visitors will see ...