A painting hanging in a French family's living room turned out to be far more valuable than just another trinket or heirloom.
Spring has sprung and flowers and artists are popping up everywhere. The Placerville Arts Association hosted a plein air ...
A connoisseur of 18th-century French furniture fooled buyers into purchasing chairs with fake royal pedigrees, authorities ...
A top French art expert went on trial on Tuesday accused of falsely claiming furniture he built to be from the 18th century ...
A Manhattan art dealer who claims to be related to the famed Guggenheim family allegedly left his Swiss wedding planner on the hook for his lavish $656,000 French wedding. Philippe Hoerle ...
NewsOnce a defining feature of shopfronts in the early 20th century, sign painting had gradually disappeared. Today, a new generation of artisans is bringing the craft back to life, driven in part ...
A Visit to the National Gallery, a High Point in the Swamp Snow White vs. Misericordia Snow White Is a Box Office Dwarf The Left Doesn’t Want to Moderate on Transgenderism The Horvitz collection ...