The bees were engaged in a process called swarming. Swarming is a natural occurrence ... Right before it is time for the new queens to emerge from their cell as adult queens, the original queen ...
Only female bees have stingers, and they attack to defend their colony when threatened. The venom of these insects contains enzymes that destroy red blood cells and skin mast cells. It also ...
This mite reproduces, lays eggs in brood cells, then feeds on the larva ... But these are a natural occurrence where the bees are not looking to attack. Swarms happe when a hive runs out of ...
Beekeeping is not just a way to reap sweet rewards, it also opens a new world to rival that of Game of Thrones.
Dutch painter Johannes Torrentius was lost to time—until his only extant painting surfaced. Read more in this edition of Art ...
As the days get warmer, there will be more and more activity at the entrances of honey bee hives. Honey bee colonies should ...
As the days get warmer, there will be more and more activity at the entrances of the hives. Honey bee colonies should be building up quickly this time of year. Get…<a class="more-link" href=" more → ...
A highlight of the Western Apicultural Society’s meeting was placing queen bee hormone under the chin and attracting a swarm ...
Like living cells, each unit would be able to stretch and change its shape or size. Although these robots would likely be limited by material properties, a swarm could still significantly change the ...