The dysfunctional demigods of Warhammer 40k,000’s deep lore work surprisingly well when drawn in the style of early Walt ...
What is it? A cell-shaded soulslike set in the world of Dungeon Fighter Online Release date: March 27, 2025 Expect to pay: ...
The twenty Primarchs are some of the most powerful beings in Warhammer 40,000. Genetic creations of the Emperor himself, they ...
Space Marine Chapters have different legacies, combat doctrines, and traits. Explore the main Chapters, from Codex-compliant ...
Dangerous because it was heresy ... art all the time, out of death comes life and all this kind of business. And when they land, she, in the papyrus swamp, gives birth to her child Horus with ...
We can be welcoming for new players and painters. We can start Horus Heresy book clubs and explain why there's half a Death Guard Space Marine on the Poxwalker sprue. We can show the world that ...
We've all heard of the big four - but did you know there were MORE Imperial Assassin Temples - including one purged for it's good.
The Adeptus Mechanicus tested many of their deadliest weapons during the Horus Heresy. And next week, you can pre-order some ...