The coordinated campaign to defy Brown v. Board continues to shape education today, as many schools remain racially segregated and unequal in funding and resources.
This paper reviews access, outcomes, and quality in the children’s mental health system. We contend that a major focal point of future reforms should be at the organization level of care delivery.
A sensory-friendly gym for children and teens will open in Summerville this weekend.We Rock the Spectrum bills itself as a space for kids with autism, special n ...
Many White parents objected, previewing arguments that would later be used in other anti-integration school campaigns. They said they were against “busing” kids to public schools in other ...
Sen. Ted Cruz has likened vouchers to “the civil rights issue of our time." But critics note they were used in the 1950s to fight integrated schools.
Feed the Children, a nonprofit organization that works in all 50 states and 10 nations, coordinated the food drive at Hazleton Integration Project with one of its corporate partners, Niagara Bottling.
Integration supporters ... all white parents had removed their children from McDonough. Protests dwindled as the school year continued, and by the time Bridges began second grade the next year ...
A special education preschool program in Arlington could soon be on the chopping block and parents are petitioning to keep it ...
They took the Alexandria City School Board to court, leading the school to be integrated with their five young children. The article Minnie Howard Campus Gets Historic School Integration Sign ...