Therefore it shall always be yours. Sleep my only love,” from “Twilight.” These goodnight quotes can also be used as Instagram captions or jotted down in a card or note for whoever is on ...
We promise you won't miss that lost hour of sleep when you read these funny and joyful quotes about daylight savings.
Perhaps you're looking for the best love quotes to send your husband after ... are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night." — When Harry Met Sally 40.
Any boy mom will agree that raising sons is an action-packed adventure. For starters, they typically have boundless energy, a fearless love of exploration and an uncanny ability to turn practically ...
“I’m not getting restful sleep, so during the day I need [Adderall ... “Luckily God blessed me with extraordinary people who love me for me.” Justin confessed that his drug use once ...
Notesnook isn't just another note-taking app. It's a cross-platform powerhouse that offers end-to-end encryption, a robust ...
2. “A person's character is shown through their actions in life, NOT where they sit on Sunday.” – Navonne Johns You cannot ...
As one of the most prolific CEOs in modern history, Steve Jobs is a giant in the tech world. Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, ...
All of that made me curious, then, how the third episode of the recently released third season would go. McIlroy would be ...
"I love everything I got to do, everything I did, experienced [in WWE]," Deville said, "but that was a chapter, and it was a decade long. Travel, wrestle, eat, sleep, repeat ... If you use any of the ...