An octopus hitched a ride on the back of a mako shark in extraordinary nature footage released by the University of Auckland.
Researchers discovered an octopus catching a ride on a shortfin Mako shark off the shores of New Zealand, according to ...
It shows an octopus hitching a ride on a shark, somewhere in New Zealand. And it also has researchers perplexed. Check it out ...
That was the case when a team from the University of Auckland in New Zealand noticed a 10-foot-long shortfin mako shark adorned with an unexpected passenger. “What was that orange patch on its head?
Researchers in New Zealand captured the odd pairing on video, but they still don’t know how to explain the behavior ...
Drone video captured what was a curious sight for scientists, who saw an octopus clinging onto the head of a short-fin mako ...
Rare footage captured by scientists in New Zealand in 2023 shows an octopus riding on the back of a shark. In a recently released study, scientists say they still aren’t sure how the deep sea-dwelling ...
In recent years, a mysterious and devastating disease has been wreaking havoc on wildlife populations across the United States, capturing the urgent attention of scientists and environmentalists alike ...