Celebrate an iconic part of Vermont during what promises to be a very sweet Sunday. Over 90 maple sugar makers and maple ...
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, the leader of the U.S. Postal Service, officially resigned Monday after previously announcing ...
Is this any way to treat a friend, a neighbor, an ally? Imposing big tariffs on Canadian imports such as cars, oil and gas, ...
Vermont’s Attorney General held a town hall in Montpelier this week to explain the multiple lawsuits her office has filed ...
Interior Department employees say they have been scrambling to keep the lights on and do their jobs as budget cuts driven by ...
Interior Department employees say they have been scrambling to keep the lights on and do their jobs as budget cuts driven by ...
Transportation for Vermonters (T4VT) delivered their “Let’s Invest in Public Transit” petition to legislators, signed by over ...
( WJET/WFXP) — Purdue Pharma asked a bankruptcy judge late Tuesday to consider the latest version of its plan to settle ...
The Rockingham Select Board gave the final go-ahead Tuesday night to the purchase of the historic - if dilapidated - 1923 ...
Fifteen years after the last city plan was written, the Montpelier Planning Commission has drafted an ambitious new plan, ...
Waterbury’s request to take ownership of a key piece of state-owned land along the Winooski River for flood-mitigation ...
Members of two national political protest organizations, 50501 and Indivisible, joined forces with hundreds of residents of ...