I am very excited about the imminent opening, in early April, of the National Public Housing Museum in the last remaining ...
A federal agency that funds libraries and museums nationwide is fighting to survive President Donald Trump’s sweeping cuts to ...
Why does it feel so good to be in a garden? The latest collaboration with USA Today shares the plants, people and stories of ...
A striking early portrait by Gustav Klimt depicting Ghanaian Prince William Nii Nortey Dowuona may soon find a home in a ...
Blake Gopnik, author of 'The Maverick's Museum,' on the contradictory life and legacy of the man behind the world-famous ...
The Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art — or MASS MoCA — will be hosting a number of local artists for their Assets for ...
The term "art deco" is being applied too liberally to architecture built under colonialism, writes Edward Denison as part of ...
Explore Harriet Tubman's legacy as a freedom fighter. Discover her role in the Underground Railroad and beyond.
The 'Paris Noir' exhibition at the Pompidou Centre brings together works by African, American, Caribbean and Afro-descendant artists who lived and worked in Paris between the 1950s and the end of the ...
David C. Driskell & Friends” at the Frist Art Museum in Nashville highlights Driskell’s artistic legacy and the importance of ...
Experts think the renowned Austrian Symbolist painted the artwork in 1897. An art gallery in Vienna has priced it at $16 ...
In Neuchâtel, Switzerland, doctors can now prescribe free museum visits to patients as part of an initiative aimed at improving mental and physical health. View on euronews ...