Area residents named to the lists are: Blue Earth — Waylen Douglas, Jade Foth, Noah Johnson, Jordyn Levine, Jazmyn Lunz, Lilly Mathews, Jack Norman, Logan O’Hara, Alexandra Propst Cleveland — Brooke ...
We begin - and this may not totally surprise you - with a bit of swearing. There’s a line on your new album, I say to Peter Capaldi, that I ...
Sharp HealthCare announced it has received two grants totaling $7 million from Price Philanthropies Foundation in support of ...
He was born on September 25, 1945, in Devils Lake, N.D., to James A. Ostergaard and Viola G. (Violet) Ostergaard. He married Nancy L. Ostergaard on December 12, 1970. James moved to Winona with his ...
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On Thursday, December 3, Swann Galleries will offer an inaugural sale of Modern & Post-War Art, headed by specialist Harold Porcher.