Spectacular drone footage captured Southern Resident Killer Whales as they made their way through the Monterey Bay frolicking ...
A new method of tracking the dietary habits and contaminant exposure of animals in Arctic marine ecosystems is providing critical insights as climate change reshapes the region's food web.
A pod of endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales ... seals, sea lions, dolphins, porpoise, and baleen whale calves. The “Offshore” type can be found in large groups of 50 to 100 and eat ...
Teeth from sharks and rays can be used to study their diet, but one of the biggest challenges in shark science is collecting ...
Despite their name, killer whales — or orcas — are not whales ... since bigger animals lose heat more slowly than smaller ...
Shark lab researchers say they have a mountain of tracking data that shows juvenile great whites, some as long as nine feet, ...
Despite their name, killer whales — or orcas — are not whales ... since bigger animals lose heat more slowly than smaller ones do. Whales eat a variety of prey. The size of their meals ...
The largest dolphin species is the orca, which measures up to 32 feet ... Along with other marine mammals — like whales, seals, sea lions and porpoises — dolphins must go to the surface ...
In some places, the underside of the sea ice looks like giant green clouds. These are the 'grass meadows' of Antarctica, made ...