The results showed that four (04) of the five (05) piezometric stations used are representative of the hydrodynamic functioning of the aquifer, with the exception of the Volly-Latadji piezometer ...
The results showed that four (04) of the five (05) piezometric stations used are representative of the hydrodynamic functioning of the aquifer, with the exception of the Volly-Latadji piezometer ...
The National Groundwater Information System is a spatial database for GIS specialists that contains a range of groundwater information submitted by States and Territories. The System contains more ...
The course emphasizes exploration and testing methods for the purpose of finding and utilizing groundwater resources and also gives an introduction to pollution studies and control. Several methods ...
The Australian Groundwater Explorer provides access to a wide range of groundwater data, including around 900 000 bore locations, bore logs, groundwater levels, salinity, hydrochemistry, 3D ...