Dari video yang beredar, seorang warga terlihat membawa baju pilpres berwana kuning dengan gambar kartun wajah Prabowo Subianto ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Guru Besar Komunikasi Politik UPI, Prof Karim Suryadi menilai keputusan Presiden Prabowo Subianto memangkas anggaran berbanding terbalik dengan bertambahnya jumlah Kementerian di ...
Tidak hanya itu, keputusan Prabowo Subianto memangkas anggaran berbanding terbalik dengan bertambahnya jumlah Kementerian. Tercatat, Kabinet Gemoy Prabowo Subianto memiliki 7 menteri koordinator, 41 ...
Namun, era Presiden Prabowo Subianto sampai sejauh ini tampaknya belum menunjukkan perbaikan pada ranah komunikasi publik. Prabowo bahkan disebut cenderung tertutup pada publik. Banyak hal yang ...
Oleh karena itu, Karim Suryadi menilai satu-satunya alasan kenapa tingkat kepuasan pemerintahan Prabowo Subianto tinggi, karena sang Presiden masih dipercaya oleh masyarakat. "Jadi menurut saya ...
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resident Prabowo Subianto has accepted a request by his Gerindra Party to run for reelection in the next presidential race, a move that sets early the playing field for the 2029 poll and puts a ...
resident Prabowo Subianto’s repeated praise of Joko “Jokowi” Widodo at the Gerindra Party’s anniversary celebration over the weekend and the government’s recent budget bump for the ...
resident Prabowo Subianto on Thursday was re-elected as chairman and chief patron of the Gerindra Party for the next five years during the party’s 7th Extraordinary Congress in Hambalang ...
resident Prabowo Subianto has talked up Democratic Party chairman Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono’s (AHY) prospects as a future president, saying that the coordinating infrastructure and regional ...
As President Prabowo Subianto continues to feel pressure from the students-led “Dark Indonesia” protest movement over his austerity measures, he has received unexpected support from a major ...