The Purdue University Identification (PUID) is a 10-digit number unique to each individual. The number is printed on your Purdue photo identification card, your primary identification within Purdue.
The Purdue University Latino Cultural Center creates an inclusive environment for the entire campus community, fostering meaningful dialogue and cultural understanding of Latine & Latin American ...
Your Purdue Career Account (PCA) gives you electronic access to a number of services at Purdue University. From access to your email account to computer lab access, your PCA gives you ...
The Purdue University Pharmacy is located in Room 118 of the Robert E. Heine Pharmacy Building — next to the Purdue University Student Health (PUSH) Center — so you don't ever need to leave campus.
Purdue University knows that providing quality childcare is vital to the quality of life for our faculty, staff, and students. To help ensure a family friendly environment, various childcare options ...
A student at Purdue University shall be placed on academic probation if his/her fall or spring semester or cumulative GPA at the end of any fall or spring semester is less than a 2.0. Counseling and ...