The Kedah Road Transport Department (RTD) has warned that express bus drivers who continue to drop off passengers in ...
Today the Carteret County Board of Education held a budget meeting discussing funds for the next school year. In this meeting ...
Durham school bus driver candidates have to pay out of pocket for a physical, training, testing and licensing before they ...
The transit agency said bus and light rail passengers and operators were plagued by safety concerns, often in the overnight ...
Over the course of a year, the Denver RTD worked to increase the number of officers on its transit police force.
Hale County Schools held as re-certification training session for their bus drivers on Monday. Bus drivers are required to do ...
The two governing bodies came to a head Thursday morning at a budget hearing slated to discuss the divisions’ proposed $914 ...
The decision comes after Superintendent Amy Cashwell proposed several rezoning options earlier this month in an effort to ...
A 56-year-old man died Thursday after he was hit by a Regional Transportation District bus near Denver’s 16th Street Mall.
A pedestrian was struck by a RTD bus driver on Thursday afternoon and Denver police have closed down the street for an ...
Denver police investigated a crash involving an RTD train and a pedestrian at E. Smith Road and N. Monaco Street on Monday ...
If RTD provided frequent and reliable service, public transit in metro Denver eventually could attract a critical mass of riders whose strength in numbers could help ensure civility, GDT co-founder ...