Red Bull Krise: Fahrerwechsel droht! Liam Lawson kontert Tsunodas Kampfansage. Entscheidung über Zukunft beim Heim-Grand-Prix ...
The taste of Red Bull is to "energy drink" as Kleenex is to "tissue." If you're thinking of a carbonated, slim-can coffee ...
Die Verbraucherschutzorganisation Foodwatch kritisiert das Marketing der Energydrink-Hersteller und fordert ein Verkaufsverbot für Unter-18-Jährige.
Red Bull’s decision to drop Liam Lawson after just two races will go down as one of the harshest calls the team has made in its 20-year Formula One history. Even for a team with a reputation for ...
Der schwache Saisonstart von Liam Lawson hat zur Folge, dass Yuki Tsunoda in das Red-Bull-Cockpit aufsteigt. Eine aus ...
Red Bull has dropped Liam Lawson as the teammate of Formula 1 champion Max Verstappen just two rounds into the season and ...
(Reuters) -Formula One driver Liam Lawson said his demotion by Red Bull after two races was "tough" but he was excited to ...
Liam Lawson called his abrupt demotion from his boyhood dream drive at Red Bull "tough" in his first social media post since ...