German manufacturer Robert Bosch GmbH has signed an €11 billion ($11.9 billion) loan financing package with banks, including a bridge financing for its M&A activities.
A coalition of nine European Union countries, led by the Netherlands, has been formed to accelerate plans for a potential ...
Staatspreis für Goldschmiede Winter bei der Handwerkmesse in München. Weitere Unternehmen aus dem Landkreis erhalten ...
Experts say internal constraints such as a talent crunch, funding problems and other supply chain gaps are key hurdles ...
Malaysia is making great strides in its effort to become a major player in the global semiconductor industry as it looks to ...
According to a new market research report titled 'Europe Smart Home Market by Product Type (Smart Lighting Systems, Smart Speakers, Smart Security ...
According to a new market research report titled 'Europe Smart Home Market by Product Type (Smart Lighting Systems, Smart ...
Northeim (ots) - Katlenburg-Lindau, OT Lindau, Marienstraße NORTHEIM (ho) Noch unbekannte Täter entwenden in der genannten Straße beide Kennzeichen von einem Pkw. Der Tatzeitraum war vom 21.03. ...
Papenburg (ots) - Am Freitag kam es zwischen 9:00 und 11:30 Uhr an der Marktstraße in Papenburg zu einer Verkehrsunfallflucht. Dabei beschädigte ein bislang unbekannter Fahrzeugführer ...
Bosch invests €6 million in Nuremberg 3D printing - making it the first Tier-1 automotive supplier in Europe in this performance class.