The blade of a wind turbine that sits off the coast of Nantucket, Massachusetts, was struck by lightning, Vineyard Wind confirmed Sunday.The involved blade, GE Vernova, on turbine AW-38 ...
BECKET — A project to install a wind turbine to power Becket's municipal functions has been propelled forward by a $139,500 state grant. It's one of two communities in the Berkshires and 42 statewide ...
Study suggests wind turbine syndrome may be psychosomatic, linked to nocebo effect. No significant cognitive or stress effects found from short-term wind turbine noise exposure. Wind turbine ...
KILDARE, Okla. (KFOR) – Folks in Kay County are breathing a sigh of relief after a wind turbine collapsed. According to the Kildare Sheriff’s Office, deputies were alerted around 7:22 a.m. of ...
Vineyard Wind is testing an aircraft detection lighting system (ADLS) on offshore turbines to address concerns from Nantucket residents about constant nighttime illumination. Islanders and local ...
Trouble is brewing between a regional Victorian council and the authority governing the safe transport of massive wind turbine parts, after a truck carrying a 70 metre turbine blade caused damage ...
An equipment failure resulted in the deaths of two maintenance crew members Friday who fell from a wind turbine in northeast Nebraska. Eddy Noriega Sebinet, 46, and Raidel Justiz Noriega ...
The company plans to deploy a 16MW floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) at the Lufeng oilfield cluster in the South China Sea using a Chinese version of a mooring system that is claimed to offer ...
Two workers have died at an Orsted wind farm in the US after falling from a GE Vernova turbine following an equipment failure. Eddy Noriega Sebinet, 46, and Raidel Justiz Noriega, 37, fell to their ...
Two workers fell to their deaths from a turbine in Nebraska, officials said. John Albert The Wichita Eagle Two maintenance workers fell to their deaths from a wind turbine in Nebraska, according ...
A company's plan to build wind turbines that would be equal in height to the country's biggest is attracting resistance from residents in south-west Victoria. Residents are concerned about their ...