The 24b ADC IP has a fourth-order, inherently stable, delta-sigma (ΔΣ) modulator that provides good noise and linearity performance designed for the needs of industrial process control, precision ...
The digital filter can be programmed for a fast settling mode where the conversions settle in a single cycle, or programmed. View 24-bit 14.4Ksps Analog front end (AFE) having sigma delta ADC for ...
Abstract: This paper introduces the Artificial Intelligence-Driven Energy-efficient Analog-to-Learning system (AIDEAL), an AI-enabled in-sensor computing platform designed to enhance energy efficiency ...
Sistem monitoring dan pengendalian Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) yang diimplementasikan di Puskesmas Tana Toraja. Proyek ini merupakan implementasi tugas ...