BCE hoplite panoply, on loan from Louis Dounis, in its Heroes and Hoplites exhibition—likely Australia’s only display of this ...
Gerry gets stuck into an unboxing and review of the Victrix Miniatures Greek Hoplites. This set gives you 48 28mm plastic ...
attracting the finest craftsmen from other Greek city-states. The Chigi olpe is considered to be the earliest known representation of hoplite phalanxes. Credit: ArchaiOptix / Wikimedia Commons The ...
Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Doreio, CC-BY-3.0 The standard type of helmet that Homer describes the Greek soldiers as using is essentially the hoplite helmet common in the eighth or seventh century BCE.
Still, the Hoplites were middle-class citizen-soldiers, and Odysseus was a king. His armour would have been ornate AF to denote his status. That horse hair bristle helmet isn’t wildly inaccurate ...
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