Researchers long believed sharks to be silent animals based on their anatomy, but unprecedented evidence shows the rig shark ...
Sharks have a reputation for being silent killers — the top ... Researchers also identified the clicks as broadband, meaning they occurred over a wide range of frequencies from 2.4 to 18.5 kilohertz — ...
The clicking of flattened teeth, discovered by accident, could be “the first documented case of deliberate sound production in sharks,” evolutionary biologist Carolin Nieder, of Woods Hole ...
Two killer whales have killed dozens — if not hundreds — of sharks, including the vaunted great whites, with an ease that has ...
Known for their powerful ability to launch out of the water in pursuit of prey, the loss of great white sharks from False Bay ...
Overshadowed by Thailand's most popular islands, this tiny, picturesque spot offers beautiful beaches, snorkeling, wildlife ...
As the recreational fishery chips away at shark populations outside the boundaries of scientists’ data books — and as a new ...
Sharks are more sought-after than ever. Yet, recreational anglers have become increasingly irate toward these species, ...
New research shows that some great hammerhead sharks are homebodies. Scientists studying great hammerheads around Andros in ...
One hundred-plus miles of open road, bright blue water, and island adventures await.
Rosie knows the Lighthouse Reef Atoll like the back of her fin. She calls this atoll home and is a matriarch of the thriving ...
Scientists have found ancient nail tooth shark fossils deep inside Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, revealing new information about ...