The Friday night fish fry is a pastime Omahans won’t ever give up. Several metro-area churches, clubs and other organizations ...
The atmosphere is so vivacious that Baton Rouge-based Rally Cap Brewing Company owner Kevin Whalen is opening a second ...
The company is strategically farming down investments in its Upstream and Low-Carbon Generation segments to realize gains and share risk. Repsol's strong customer segment and growth in gas trading ...
Chief executive Murray Auchincloss has succumbed to pressure from shareholders to reduce BP's exposure to the lower margin renewables business and focus instead on the more profitable upstream ...
Team President Diane Mendenhall joins FirstNews for more on the team's first-ever 'stripe-out night,' Saturday at CHI Health ...
Nova X won the contract from national upstream company PTTEP to provide the G1 FSO and catenary anchored leg mooring (CALM) buoy system for the Platong field, part of the G1/61 offshore project ...
OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - Mayor Jean Stothert laid out a proposal on Tuesday that will again increase the pay rate for Omaha Police officers in an effort to keep Omaha’s pay scale the highest for law ...
OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - First Alert 6 and the Omaha Press Club brought the five mayoral candidates together for a debate Tuesday ahead of the April primary. Omaha’s primary election is set for ...
The brewery, opened in 2013, is known for its experimental beers and family-friendly atmosphere. The state's craft beer industry now contributes roughly $303 million to the economy annually.
Vance tells us about 700 people are expected to celebrate with shamrock shots, Irish stew and corned beef sandwiches. The ...
The boar is the logo of Von Ebert, the brewery founded by Tom S. Cook and his father, Tom M. Cook, in 2018. The orbiting planets are left over from Ecliptic, the brewery opened by legendary brewer ...