And how was it made in the first place? Narrator: You may remember this color, Vantablack. It was unveiled in 2014, and media outlets called it the darkest color in the world. But this color here?
In this case, we see no color and we describe the object as being black. Scientists have developed a material called Vantablack that absorbs 99.965% of visible light. Vantablack is considered the ...
In 2016, a noisy battle broke out over one artist’s exclusive rights to a newly developed paint, or coating, called Vantablack. Intended for use in engineering, it was unique for absorbing 99. ...
Vantablack, an ominously-named coating, is one of the world’s blackest human-made substances. It was developed to coat satellite camera openings, absorbing stray light from the sun and moon so ...
The structure looks like solid paint, but it’s not. Beyond its unique color, the coating has some interesting properties. Vantablack can withstand temperatures from -270°C to 300°C in seconds ...