The perennially popular game show on ABC 7, WHEEL OF FORTUNE, is sending a team of producers and social media correspondent, Maggie Sajak, to the Windy City for a contestant search at the Chicago Auto ...
During the latest episode of Wheel of Fortune, fans on Reddit 'screamed at the TV' after a contestant 'wasted letters' and ...
Ryan Seacrest came under fire from Wheel of Fortune viewers who accused him of becoming "lazy" while hosting the show.
Marianne Faithfull, who during the Swinging ’60s in London built a career as a singer, songwriter, actor and a muse to such ...
Even so, we can’t always discount armchair opinions about players’ strategies when they’re based in fact and logic, and Wheel of Fortune fans are sharing some pretty interesting observations about ...
Beatles legend Ringo Starr has confirmed that one long-standing rumor about his life is actually true. Starr, 84, dropped by ...
The contestant facing backlash from fans was Tamika Star, a singer who works with the armed forces from Triangle, Vermont, who faced off against Max Nussenbaum from Brooklyn, New York, and Rebecca ...
The party leader is said to have belted out the disco classic - which has become a Trump campaign staple - for guests who ...