Last June, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which operates a series of dams in Oregon's Willamette River Basin, missed a deadline set by Congress to produce a report on how the dams are affecting ...
In areas that are open for retention of coho salmon in the Willamette River basin upstream of Willamette Falls, anglers with ...
Last June, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which operates a series of dams in Oregon's Willamette River Basin, missed a deadline set by Congress to produce a report on how the dams are affecting ...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is seeking feedback on plans to designate uses on and around the Cottage Grove and Dorena lakes.
Sewage and stormwater began spilling into the Willamette River around 2:30 on Sunday afternoon, when weekend rains overflowed Portland’s Big Pipe system. The sewage-stormwater mix drained into ...
volcano shape and its propensity to attach itself to rocks on river-bottoms. Found in large streams with clean, cold and fast-moving water, the ashy pebblesnail and shortface lanx have disappeared ...