In what may be the most striking blow to an offshore wind farm since President Donald Trump took office, a project for New ...
Electricity demand is soaring and gas-burning power plants are in short supply. The renewable industry sees an opening — even ...
The bid by residents to take on the Cruach Mhor wind farm on the Cowal peninsula was widely regarded as a test case ...
Altered plans for a $300m wind farm in the state’s northeast have sparked fresh concerns among locals who say the project ...
Germany's Nordex Group said on Monday it had received an order from a wind energy project developer for the delivery and ...
After doing a regional assessment of the areas, the Nova Scotia government has proposed five windfarm areas in the province: ...
Donald Trump’s first day in office, the president wasted no time delivering a death knell to the offshore wind industry. He ...
Work is continuing to progress on Dominion Energy’s offshore wind farm which when completed will be the largest in the United ...
In total, some 2,832 small-to-enormous solar farms have been given planning approval and are awaiting construction. These include Cottam Solar, the five square mile solar farm on the border of ...
Critics say solar is unpredictable and unproven. Others say future economies, driven by energy-hungry data centers, require ...
Danish giant behind a more than 40 GW renewables pipeline in Australia says its latest fundraising round shows “strong” interest in greenfield clean energy. i ...
Klein and Thompson argue that a world of plenty awaits us if we reform zoning and environmental laws but that can’t be the ...