Unless Kashmir rises from its cloistered and violent baggage of Islamism and embraces modernity, all the splendid roads, ...
Since Donald Trump has made overtures to Moscow and JD Vance has proclaimed that free speech is threatened in Europe, the far ...
On January 30, U of T’s Muslim Law Students’ Association (MLSA) released a statement expressing concerns over an online ...
In witnessing the persecution and suffering of the Middle East’s Christian communities, Israel is willing to posture itself ...
Terrorism and antisemitic violence means many Europeans, including many Jews, are “more concerned about their personal security than about freedoms and democracy.” ...
The government's multi-agency scheme is aimed at stopping terrorism cases before they begin. But how does it work, and how ...
USAID has funded terrorist-tied organizations, and its inspector general has expressed concerns about weak vetting and vulnerability to “armed groups.” ...
The shutting down of schools in the month of Ramadan, even for the benefit of Muslims, is an innovation that has no basis in the Quran.
How Kids’ Prayers Melted the Hearts of KidnappersBy Douglas Burton(Washington) “The day they came to my house, my wife was away visiting her mother’s village, so the terrorists could no ...
Thousands of Hizb-ut-Tahrir activists chanted ‘Khilafat’ in Dhaka, defied barricades, clashed with cops Friday. Critics blame ...
(RNS) — The world is silent when they kill Jews. Let Jews not be silent when they kill Christians. People who were displaced ...
Later, I spent hours with Dr. Chen Kugel and Dr. Nurit Bulbit at Abu Kabir (Israel’s National Forensic Center in Jaffa) where ...