In the midst of all the noise, may we also tune our hearts to the quieter frequencies: the acts of hidden kindness, the ...
Chabad of Manhasset transported guests back in time with a “Purim in Persia” celebration at the Starry Ballroom.
Photos and story by Robert Kalfus This year’s Purim festivities at Chabad of Yonkers saw people dressed in all individual ...
Step one – as epitomized by Purim – is the struggle to bring the Jews together, to unite as a loving community, albeit in a ...
During the day of Shushan Purim, I normally walk through the city of Jerusalem and stop at one of the Chabad Purim tents ...
In the Scroll of Esther, revenge is a powerful theme, but just as clearly one that leads to confusion and tragedy.
Purim is hardly over, and the true faces of the haters and loathers have already been revealed. Not so long ago, it was considered best to hide behind a mask and express slanderous incitement against ...
Hebrew scholar and Jewish academic Irene Lancaster reflects on Exodus and its connection to slavery and liberation.
The King, who never realized that Esther was Jewish, is outraged at Haman. He has his minister executed. In subsequent conversations with Esther, Achasverosh grants the Jews the right to self-defense ...
This photo gallery, curated by photo editor Eloy Martin, highlights some of the most compelling images worldwide made or ...
We’ve Been Waiting for You!” Aleph sent dozens of rabbinical students to prisons across the country to bring the joy and ...
A brief oasis for peace in the Middle East occurred this past Sunday right here in Vancouver, BC in the broken heart of the ...