LHAASO (Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory) has provided crucial insights into the origin and nature of cosmic rays, particularly in the ultra-high-energy regime. Its results also have ...
The search for the decay μ + → e + e + e − with the SINDRUM spectrometer has been continued. The result is a new upper limit for the branching ratio B μ→3 e = Γ(μ→3 e ) Γ(μ→ e 2ν) < 1.0 × 10 −12 (90% ...
We propose new mechanisms for understanding neutrino masses in superstring models that contain E6-singlet zero-mass fields after compactification. We show that the low-energy gauge group of these ...
This monumental collection of thirty-four historical papers on quantum electrodynamics features contributions from the twentieth century's leading physicists: Dyson, Fermi, Feynman, Foley, Heisenberg, ...
We study N=∞ lattice gauge theory at finite temperature by Monte Carlo methods using an asymmetric coupling version of the twisted Equchi-Kawai model. The data favor a first-order deconfining ...
If high energy heavy ion collisions lead to the formation of a hot quark-gluon plasma, then colour screening prevents cc binding in the deconfined interior of the interaction region. To study this ...
Total fission cross section induced by protons in ^181Ta and ^208Pb at energies in the range of 300 to 1000 A MeV have been measured at GSI (Germany) using the inverse kinematics technique. A ...
Using the data on deep inelastic muon scattering on iron and deuterium the ratio of the nucleon structure functions F 2 N ( Fe )/ F 2 N ( D ) is presented. The observed x -dependence of this ratio is ...
Tel Aviv U. and U. Mainz, PRISMA and Mainz U., Inst. Phys.
Tsinghua U., Beijing and Shanghai, Astron. Observ.
Muon tomography, based on the measurement of multiple scattering of cosmic ray muons traversing a volume to be investigated, is an attractive technique for detecting hidden high-Z materials. A cosmic ...