Massimo Pigliucci takes the philosophy pill. Is there a cure for life? This question may seem rather bizarre, as we don’t normally think of life as a disease. And yet, a moment’s reflection reminds us ...
Mohsen Moghri gives a Godless but principled response to the problem of evil. We are all familiar with the problem of evil for traditional theism: a perfectly benevolent God would evidently desire the ...
Dr. Gindi, sculptor, has a philosophical conversation with Richard Baron about sensation, life, infinity and, you guessed it, sculpture. Dr. Gindi is one of Switzerland’s foremost sculptors, whose ...
When the advances made by the Scientific Revolution were applied to machinery, the Industrial Revolution was born. The ...
A few weeks ago I bought two chrysanthemums for my windowsill. After giving them the dose of water they clearly missed in the shop, I started musing on how closely plant care and philosophy are ...
She browsed further up the aisle, and stopped to consider the plastic deer: cutouts, less than an inch thick but nearly life-size in height and length. The bucks held their antlered heads high. The ...
Here’s the main problem in a nutshell: The technologist is not an ethicist, and the ethicist is not a technologist.
Richard Taylor on the proper role of myths and mysteries. The best way into our subject is through a look at ancient mythology. Consider, for example, the familiar story of Sisyphus, whom the gods ...
Markus Gabriel one of the founders of New Realism, talks to Anja Steinbauer about why the world does not exist, and other curious metaphysical topics. I’m talking with Markus Gabriel, Professor of ...
David Glass and Mark McCartney say Ockham’s razor doesn’t cut it with God. The idea that science has explained God away is very popular. The suggestion is that as science explains more and more about ...
Sir Stuart Hampshire has a new theory of justice based on the inevitability of conflict and on the importance of hearing the other side. Paul Sheehy asked him about his struggles with justice. In his ...
Stephen Leach considers what Bertrand Russell thought about common sense & reality – and how the one does not necessarily show you the other. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) believed that reality is ...