Local public transport plays a crucial role in sustainable mobility. However, overcrowding can occur, especially at peak times, which can affect the comfort and safety of passengers. In the SAFIRA ...
The department High-Speed Electronics comprises the Institute’s expertise in the development of focal plane units and detector electronics for VIS/NIR satellite cameras. It evolved from the department ...
Demand responsive transport serves as a supplement to local public transport in regions with lower demand in terms of time and space. In the Vmo4Orte project, we are working with our partners in the ...
In order to achieve the goal of climate neutrality by 2045, the German government has introduced a series of measures such as the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) and CO 2 certificate trading. They ...
The quality management area implements the management system of the Institute of Aerospace Medicine on the basis of DIN EN ISO 9001. To this end, internal and external audits are carried out annually ...
In 2011 the DLR Institute of Space Systems launched its research initiative called EDEN. The research initiative focuses on Bio-regenerative Life Support Systems (BLSS), especially greenhouse modules, ...
The Moon's south pole and its surroundings are part of the lunar highlands, covered with countless impact craters of various sizes. These craters, formed mainly in the Moon’s early history, three to ...
In diesem Jahr beschert uns der Frühlingsmonat März gleich zwei Finsternisse: am 14. März eine Mondfinsternis, deren totale ...
Transformations-Dashboard und -Factsheet „Auswirkungen der Transformation auf die Automobilwirtschaft und aktueller Status“, Scale-up E-Drive Der Transformations-Hub „Scale-up E-Drive” unterstützt ...
Selbst mal einen Tag lang Wissenschaftlerin oder Wissenschaftler spielen? Kein Problem! Die DLR_School_Labs laden Schülerinnen und Schüler in die faszinierende Welt der Forschung ein. Wie Sie sich mit ...
Das Projekt Gaia X 4 Advanced Mobility Services (Gaia X 4 AMS) zeigt anhand zweier Beispiele, wie mit Hilfe von Gaia-X die für das autonome Fahren erforderlichen Mobilitätsdienste umgesetzt werden ...