An interactive map of local NHS waits around England in January 2025, showing the pressures, with links to all the details by ...
A Care Quality Commission report on Medway Maritime Hospital’s accident and emergency department has uncovered shocking failings, including patients waiting up to 55 hours in corridors, and frail ...
The HSJ Cancer Forum will keep you up to date, connected and supported in maintaining and restoring early diagnosis, referral and treatment levels and getting back on track with improving cancer ...
"The UK is experiencing increased demand for NHS and social care services. An increasing number of people are living longer with multiple long-term health conditions, and require support from a wide ...
The HSJ Provider Summit gives NHS chief executives the opportunity to share and learn solutions, and receive support, and insight on how they can develop their organisations; both by improving patient ...
AI holds the promise of being a major boon to the NHS. But so far, we have not seen AI have the impact that it has promised. The big challenge is making the leap from one-off pilots and innovations to ...
While the country’s eyes are fixated on Washington DC, patient safety campaigning marches on… good afternoon and welcome to this fortnight’s edition of the Patient Safety Watch newsletter, written ...
Digital technology has a big part to play in helping the NHS deliver the ambitions of the forthcoming 10-year plan and address immediate operational pressures. The 3 December HSJ summit, in ...